Love Life Ministry


The Love Life Ministry is dedicated to helping mothers who are working but can’t make their money stretch far enough and mothers who are not able to work at the present time. They qualify by belonging to WIC (Women, Infants and Children). WIC helps them with formula and food for their children.

We at St. Bernard are responsible for making up layettes for new mothers. Layettes consist of all the necessities, such as diapers, wipes, bottles, baby wash, lotion, diaper ointment, baby towels, receiving blankets, onesies, pajamas, a couple outfits, fleece blankets, afghans, etc. To all the wonderful people who have been putting items in our bassinet in the back of church, thank you so very much.

The mothers and their children really appreciate every item they receive.

Our present needs are baby wash, lotion, diaper ointment, baby bottles, baby towels, receiving blankets, and fleece blankets.